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EXCI308 by Aerolase

The Aerolase Neo Elite® is emerging as a leading solution for mild to severe acne. Two recent peer-reviewed studies validate Neo Elite as a highly effective solution in reducing overactive sebum production and inflammation. When treating acne, the distinct 650-microsecond pulsed energy delivery, generated in a 1064nm wavelength, creates a novel approach to this condition.

As a device-based solution, Neo Elite has been clinically proven to address acne with a similar mechanism of action to many pharmacological approaches. Neo Elite is clinically proven to:

  • Neoderm by Aerolase
    Reduce Sebum Production
  • Neoderm by Aerolase
    Reduce Inflammation
  • Neoderm by Aerolase
    Destroy C. acnes Bacteria

Neo Elite is a singular, comprehensive treatment for acne that avoids the common side effects of oral and topical medications. It also addresses the physical sequelae of acne, clearing post-inflammatory erythema and hyperpigmentation.

Clinical Insights

A new study led by dermatologist Nazanin Saedi, MD, has clinically validated the
significant advantages of the 650-microsecond, 1064-nm Nd:YAG laser therapy.

Neoderm by Aerolase
Neoderm by Aerolase

Lesion reduction at the end of
the treatment course

Neoderm by Aerolase

Lesion reduction at 90-days
post-treatment course
(continued lesion clearance)

Neoderm by Aerolase

Patient satisfaction during and
after treatment course

The Aerolase Neo Elite® is the leading device for practices looking to offer gentle, pain-free treatments for pediatric and adult patients without sacrificing efficacious results.

Clinical Study Patient Results


Neoderm by Aerolase

After 5 Tx

Neoderm by Aerolase

90 Days Post Tx

Neoderm by Aerolase

Efficacy & Tolerance of a 650-microsecond 1064nm Laser Therapy in the
Treatment of Moderate to Severe Acne Vulgaris

Efficacy & Tolerance of a 650-microsecond

Neo Elite is Also Clinically Validated on Acne to Prove:

  • Neoderm by Aerolase
    Sebum and inflammation reduction1
  • Neoderm by Aerolase
    An effective alternative to failed systemic therapies2
  • Neoderm by Aerolase
    Safety and efficacy in combination with isotretinoin3
  • 1. Kesty K, Goldberg DJ. 650 usec 1064nm Nd:YAG laser treatment of acne: A double-blind randomized control study. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2020 Sep;19(9):2295-2300. doi: 10.1111/jocd.13480. Epub 2020 May 24. PMID: 32447830.
  • 2.Greywal, T., Saedi, N., & Ortiz, A. (2021). A Clinical Evaluation of the 1064nm Nd:YAG Laser with a 650-microsecond Pulse Duration for the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris. SKIN The Journal of Cutaneous Medicine, 5(6), s68.
  • 3. Treatment of Moderate to Severe Acne and Post Acne Scars with 650-Microsecond 1064 nm Laser Combined with Low-Dose Isotretinoin. Gold M., Evgenievna N., Sergeevna L., Vladimirovna E. Lasers Surg Med. 2019 Mar;51(S31):S13-14

Acne Before & After Results

Neoderm by Aerolase

After 1 Treatment

Photos Courtesy of Kainat Paracha, MD

Neoderm by Aerolase

After 3 Treatments

Photos Courtesy of Dr. SK Tan

Neoderm by Aerolase

After 4 Treatments

Photos Courtesy of Kevin Pinski, MD

Mechanism of Action Post-Acne

It’s unique energy delivery also addresses the physical sequelae of acne by reducing or clearing post-inflammatory erythema, hyperpigmentation, and atrophic scars

Neoderm by Aerolase

PIE: Suppressing the increased concentration of vascularity

(photos courtesy Michael Gold, MD)

Neoderm by Aerolase

PIH: Addressing dermal pigment and suppressing inflammation

(photos courtesy David Goldberg, MD)

Neoderm by Aerolase

Scars: Bulk heating of water induces dermal collagen remodeling

(photos courtesy Jason Emer, MD)

Insights from 50 Customers Using Neo Elite:

  • Neoderm by Aerolase
    Treat an average of 6.5 patients weekly
  • Neoderm by Aerolase
    High patient comfort with a median VAS score of 2
  • Neoderm by Aerolase
    92% find it more effective than other energy devices
  • Neoderm by Aerolase
    Over 90% patient compliance
Neoderm by Aerolase

Best Acne Laser

“The laser penetrates your skin to kill acne-causing bacteria and temporarily shrink oil glands. Expect a chin free of cystic acne after just a few sessions”

-Cosmopolitan Editor

Aerolase Business Model

Distinct advantages for healthcare professionals and their patients compared to single-application devices.

Neoderm by Aerolase

One-Time Purchase:

No per-treatment fees or consumables.

Neoderm by Aerolase

Flexible Pricing:

Set your own per-treatment prices, offering cash-friendly options while maximizing hourly revenue.

Neoderm by Aerolase

High ROI:

Successfully treating multiple medical and aesthetic indications ensures a strong return on investment.