An expert discusses which types of products tend to be more comdedogenic and acnegenic.
Patients frequently ask if there are cosmetics that should be avoided to improve facial acne. If only eliminating a cosmetic would improve acne! Very few modern facial cosmetics cause comedonal acne. Hair cosmetics are the common offenders as some of the hair oils for keeping hair straightened and minimizing frizz are of vegetable or animal origin. Sunflower oil, hemp oil, olive oil, and argan oil are some ingredients in hair products that may be comdedogenic. Acnegenic substances are usually follicular irritants and may include emulsifiers. Emulsifiers are not present in powder facial foundations, which might be a good choice in the acne patient.
Which OTC products are good for the acne patient?
Is there a certain type of facial foundation that will not cause breakouts or improve acne?