The total amount of fraud recoveries returned to Medicare trust funds since the start of the Obama administration is $10.7 billion. [Infographic]
The total amount of fraud recoveries returned to Medicare trust funds since the start of the Obama administration is $10.7 billion. Check out the graphic below describing the rising number of fraud charges since 2006. And read more here about rising fraud charges and how dermatologists are at risk.
National report - At first, dermatologists seemed unlikely to be the subject of audits, but that is no longer the case. And it’s not only Medicare and Medicaid trying to recoup funds and find fraud - commercial carriers are as well. It’s a perfect storm for increasing medical audits at all types of physician practices - including dermatology. One of President Obama's long-standing priorities has been fighting Medicare fraud, and the fiscally malnourished U.S. government needs to find money. Uncovering healthcare fraud is a proven moneymaker.