The staff of Dermatology Times and Cosmetic Surgery Times welcomes you to Academy '06! We're happy to be a part of a meeting that is packed full of symposia, focus sessions, forums and an exhibit hall brimming with the newest products on the market.
The staff of Dermatology Times and Cosmetic Surgery Times welcomes you to Academy '06!
We're happy to be a part of a meeting that is packed full of symposia, focus sessions, forums and an exhibit hall brimming with the newest products on the market.
Because there is so much to cover, we will be delivering to your e-mail in-box some of the highlights of the meeting on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Whether you are at home or onsite, we hope our E-news will pique your curiosity and enlighten you on some offerings you may not have been able to attend.
Our handy City Guide will help you choose entertainment, dining and what sites to see while in San Diego.
When you're in the exhibit hall, please stop by our booth, number 311, to pick up the latest issue, sign up for our e-newsletter and meet some of the staff. We'd love to introduce ourselves to you.
We are always interested in your views and ideas. Please don't hesitate to call or e-mail me directly if you'd like to discuss a story idea.
Please enjoy San Diego, and best wishes for a very educational Academy 06!
Maureen Hrehocik, Editor
(440) 826-2829