Ethical dilemmas for physicians in Catholic healthcare organizations
September 28th 2018Can clinicians working for Catholic health care organizations prescribe the birth control pill for acne? A recent article discusses the ethical and legal problems these clinicians face when patients request to be treated with oral contraceptives.
A low glycemic diet has the potential to reduce acne, study suggests
September 17th 2018A low glycemic index and glycemic load diet decreases IGF-1 concentrations, a well-established risk factor in the pathogenesis of acne pathogenesis indicating that such diets have the potential to reduce the impact of acne, a study suggests.
Cosmetic needs differ for skin of color patients
May 21st 2018Cosmetic needs differ for skin of color patients who may require different treatments, says Dr. Eliot Battle who addressed the use of old and new technologies for skin of color patients during this year’s Skin of Color Seminar Series meeting in New York City.
Minimizing the risk of lidocaine toxicity
May 11th 2018In 2005, a 22-year old student in South Carolina died from a fatal dose of lidocaine after she was given a topical anaesthetic gel by a spa employee and told to apply it from her groin to her ankle and cover it in plastic in preparation for hair removal treatment on her leg.
Managing acne female-to-male transgender persons
May 1st 2018As both severe acne and transgenderism are independently associated with higher rates of depression and suicide, it may be advisable that transgender adolescents are monitored for acne once testosterone treatment has begun. Given the potential risks - some 41% of transgender adults have at some point attempted suicide - acne should be treated even if only mild, says Dr. Lucía Campos-Munoz.