Legislative: The battle for reform: Congress challenged to change, preserve Medicare system
October 1st 2008Although the 5.4 percent Medicare pay cut for 2009 that had been slated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has been averted, the challenge to reform the system that determines physician payments will be dumped in the lap of the new 111th Congress that takes office in January.
Aesthetic evolution: Filler technologies improve; choices widen
October 1st 2008When Reloxin (Ipsen) eventually hits the U.S. market to challenge Botox (Allergan) as the new 800-pound gorilla of the facial aesthetics market, then it will be accurate to report the arrival of a new product with potentially huge market impact, dermatology sources say.
Study shows spring water helps treat childhood eczema
September 8th 2008World report - Research shows patients with atopic eczema saw significant improvements after applying creams with the harmless bacteria Vitreoscilla filiformis, commonly found in thermal springs and spas, the reports.
The language of skin: Lexicon project codifies dermatology’s terminology for digital age
September 8th 2008National report - The Dermatology Lexicon Project (DLP) promises to provide the specialty with the foundation it needs to enter an age of computerized medical information. The multi-year project, taken over by the American Academy of Dermatology a few years ago, is the first-of-its-kind comprehensive dermatology terminology lexicon, created to support dermatology research, medical informatics and clinical care.
Bonding your portfolio: Diversifying investments, large or small, will minimize risks
September 1st 2008One of the most challenging financial decisions you need to make these days is where to put your money. Whether your investment portfolio is large or small, you must choose from among mutual funds, individual stocks or bonds, or simply stashing away your cash in bank accounts, money market accounts or other cash equivalents.
Choosing therapy: Weigh options carefully for immunocompromised patients
September 1st 2008As immunocompromised patients, and those with genodermatoses, have a significantly increased risk of developing skin cancer, physicians should carefully weigh their choices of therapy from the start, to avoid precluding future therapies when these patients may need them most.