When it comes to dietary triggers for acne, the list of supposed villains is long. While absolute proof isn't currently reproducible, one expert says there are several foods that have shown a connection. Participate in this forum.
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1. Coyner T, Purath J. Dietary Influences on Acne Vulgaris: Myth or Fact? J Dermatol Nurses Assoc. 2018;10(1):S18âS22.2. Cengiz FP, Cevirgen cemil B, Emiroglu N, Gulsel bahali A, Onsun N. Acne located on the trunk, whey protein supplementation: Is there any association?. Health Promot Perspect. 2017;7(2):106-108.
Findings for chocolate have been mixed; studies are small with significant limitations; food diaries can be inaccurate; it's hard to find research funding. In their report, Coyner et el. note, populations with low-GI diets have no incidence of acne. Genetic predisposition may contribute but researchers believe a low-GI diet is a factor.