Karan Lal, DO, MS, FAAD, discusses a case involving a 4-year-old male with atopic dermatitis, covering FDA-approved treatments for this age group, strategies for tapering and stopping treatment, the impact of the atopic march, and challenges with treatment prior authorizations.
Karal Lal, DO, MS, FAAD
Affiliated Dermatology
Scottsdale, Arizona
Program Description:
An expert in dermatology provides insights from a case-based round table conversation, discussing the management of atopic dermatitis patients. He emphasizes the complexities of the cases, the considerations regarding topical versus systemic treatments, and the administrative challenges associated with prior authorizations.
Segment Description:
Karan Lal, DO, MS, FAAD, discusses a case involving a 4-year-old male with atopic dermatitis, covering FDA-approved treatments for this age group, strategies for tapering and stopping treatment, the impact of the atopic march, and challenges with treatment prior authorizations.