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In part 3 of this Frontline Forum supplement, experts discuss surgical innovations in HS, setting treatment expectations, and more.
Each treatment had benefits and disadvantages for patients who struggle with rosacea-associated erythema.
Nanoneedles boosted CRISPR base editing efficiency in RDEB fibroblasts, enabling precise COL7A1 correction and improved cell function.
Research suggests that neomycin allergy may be underdiagnosed despite its common use in medical and cosmetic formulations.
A study reveals that biologics targeting IL-12, IL-23, and IL-17 lower the risk of serious infections in older adults with psoriatic disease.
The novel treatments will be for patients with orphan conditions like Netherton Syndrome, Peeling Skin Syndrome, SAM Syndrome, and palmoplantar keratoderma.
An expert panel of clinicians provided insights on first-line treatments, maintenance strategies, and flare management for AD.