Protecting Against Malpractice Liability: Insurance As Your First Line of Defense
David Mandell, JD, MBA, stated in the quest to protect against malpractice liability, insurance is certainly the first and most important line of defense.
Offering an Insurance Package to Retain and Reward Employees: What Dermatologists Should Know
Explore various elements that can go into a comprehensive insurance benefits package for dermatology practice employees.
Your Home Is Your Castle: How to Protect It and Its Equity From Potential Lawsuits
Some states offer great homestead protection, but most provide an inadequate shield. Learn how to protect your greatest assets.
Resiliency: A Fundamental Success Factor in Any Financial Plan
Check out these 5 factors that can significantly impact a dermatologist’s financial plan and should therefore incorporate flexibility and resiliency to structure the plan for long-term success.
Why Dermatologists Are Not Average Investors
This article compares physicians in general to average US investors in several key areas and examines how these factors affect a dermatologist’s approach to investing and wealth management.
Understanding Your Investment in a Financial Adviser
It is important to know about any and all fees one is being charged because the transparency of the fee is a sign of an ethical business model.
5 Money Mistakes Dermatologists Make and How to Avoid Them
David Mandell, JD, MBA, is here to help ensure new and novice clinicians understand the impact of taxes, lifestyle creep, investment plans, and more.
4 Key Tools to Protect Personal and Practice Assets
Discover why exempt assets, tenancy by the entirety, limited liability companies, and trusts can be key tools in finance management.
Using an Investment Adviser or Doing It Yourself: Factors to Consider
Findings from several large studies quantify the value that professional advisers bring to dermatology practices. Learn when to hone in on their expertise and when to take matters into your own hands.
Dealing With Student Loan Debt: How to Budget for Repayment and Other Financial Goals
In this month’s Finance & Practice Management column, we illustrate the importance of developing and maintaining a budget for physicians at all stages of their careers.
Looking for Tax Advantages? Consider These 2 Asset Classes
Although our tax code changes somewhat regularly, both real estate and cash value life insurance have shown superior tax treatment for decades.
Is a Recession Coming? 4 Personal Financial Lessons From 2020
This article reviews financial lessons from 2020 and offers reflective advice for dermatologists to be in control of their finances.
5 Simple Financial Tips for Dermatologists and Their Practices
Your practice’s finances are the key to long-term business success and understanding them doesn’t have to feel like a puzzle.
Choosing the Right Financial Adviser: A Fundamental Decision for Long-Term Financial Security
Choosing an investment adviser can be an extremely important decision for the long-term financial security of any clinician.
Are You Prepared for Potential Tax Law Changes?
In this month's Finance & Practice Management article, Carole C. Foos, CPA, and David B. Mandell, JD, MBA, give an overview of potential upcoming tax law changes.
What Practice Owners Need to Know When Considering a Sale or Merger
David B. Mandell, JD, MBA, and Jason M. O'Dell, MS, CWM examine 4 important success factors dermatologists should implement in their practice when considering a sale or merger.
Living in a Litigious World Demands Defensive Asset Protection
In today's society, the lawsuit is seen as a way to "get rich quick" rather than as a method of creating justice.
The Weekly Roundup: March 10-14
The Rx Recap: March 9-15
Daily Derm Times: March 14, 2025
AAD 2025: Conference Recap